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Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2023. 77 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551447


O Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional (DMG) e a Hipertensão Gestacional (HG) são duas comorbidades que podem ocorrer durante o período gestacional, acarretando expressiva morbimortalidade materno-fetal, com relevância mundial. Na gestação ocorrem algumas modificações fisiológicas no organismo, aumentando a necessidade de mais nutrientes essenciais e sendo a orientação nutricional mais efetiva quando há nutricionista na equipe multidisciplinar. Objetivo: Investigar a importância da orientação nutricional como forma preventiva do DMG e da HG. Métodos: estudo retrospectivo, com 40 gestantes, de 18 a 39 anos, atendidas no ambulatório de nutrição do pré-natal do IFF/Fiocruz no ano de 2019. Resultados: Há associação entre o estado nutricional de excesso de peso e um ganho de peso gestacional superior ao adequado, associação entre excesso de peso e DMG e entre excesso de peso e HG. A dieta das gestantes quando ingressaram no ambulatório de nutrição do pré-natal estava inadequada em vários nutrientes relevantes para o controle das patologias estudadas. Conclusão: É necessário investir num retorno das gestantes a maior quantidade de consultas nutricionais, de forma que se sintam acolhidas e engajadas, visando a diminuição da prevalência do DMG e da HG.(AU)

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) and Gestational Hypertension (HG) are comorbidities that can occur during the gestational period, leading to significant maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality, with worldwide relevance. During pregnancy, some physiological changes occur in the body, increasing the need for more essential nutrients and being the most effective nutritional guidance when the nutritionist is part of the multidisciplinary team. Objective: To investigate the importance of nutritional guidance as a preventive form of GDM and HG. Methods: retrospective study with 40 pregnant women, aged 18 to 39 years, attended at the IFF/Fiocruz prenatal nutrition outpatient clinic in 2019. Results: Inferences of the associations of nutritional status of overweight and gestational weight gain greater than adequate; overweight and GDM; overweight and HG. The diet of pregnant women when they entered the prenatal nutrition outpatient clinic was inadequate in several nutrients considered relevant for the control of indicated pathologies. Conclusion: It is emphasized the relevance in the return of pregnant women to nutritional consultations so that they feel welcomed, minimizing the prevalence of GDM and HG.(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced , Prenatal Nutrition , Obesity, Maternal , Retrospective Studies
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 72(2): 139-145, jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1382074


Durante los últimos años se ha incentivado la suplementación con omega 3 durante el embarazo principalmente debido a la evidencia que mostraría beneficios en el desarrollo neuronal y visual del hijo en gestación, y a la prevención de patologías obstétricas asociadas a un aumento de la morbi-mortalidad perinatal. Los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (PUFAs) omega 3, específicamente el ácido eicosapentaenoico (EPA) y el ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA), poseen propiedades antiinflamatorias, vasodilatadoras, además de propiedades anti-agregantes, las cuales han estimulado el uso de PUFAs en la prevención de enfermedades cardiovasculares. En esta revisión detallamos los efectos de la suplementación con omega 3 en diferentes aspectos del embarazo tales como la prevención del parto prematuro, preeclampsia, depresión post-parto y mejora del metabolismo durante la diabetes gestacional. Si bien existen diversos ensayos clínicos randomizados que estudian la suplementación con omega 3 durante la gestación, la evidencia sigue siendo no concluyente, debido a la variabilidad de las dosis y tiempo de administración. Ciertamente, un mayor número de estudios de calidad son necesarios para determinar el real impacto de la suplementación con omega 3 durante la gestación en la prevención de patologías obstétricas(AU)

During pregnancy, omega 3 supplementation has raised its popularity due to evidence that it would show not only benefits in the neural and visual development of the unborn child, but also in the prevention of obstetrical pathologies associated with of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), specifically, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), possess anti-inflammatory, vasodilatory and anti-aggregating properties, which have led to the use of PUFAs in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. In this review, we detail the effects of omega 3 supplementation on different aspects of pregnancy such as prevention of preterm birth, pre-eclampsia, postpartum depression, and improved metabolism during gestational diabetes. Although there are several randomized clinical trials using omega-3 supplementation during pregnancy, the evidence remains inconclusive, due to variability in dosage and administration time. Certainly, a greater number of high-quality studies including randomized clinical trials are necessary to determine the impact of omega 3 supplementation during pregnancy in the prevention of obstetric pathologies(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications/prevention & control , Fatty Acids, Omega-3/administration & dosage , Dietary Supplements , Prenatal Nutrition , Pre-Eclampsia/prevention & control , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Depression, Postpartum/prevention & control , Obstetric Labor, Premature/prevention & control
Rev. medica electron ; 43(6): 1585-1594, dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409687


RESUMEN Introducción: muchas gestantes que se atienden en consulta de Genética prenatal provienen de familias con diabetes mellitus y desarrollan diabetes gestacional, por lo que requieren el asesoramiento genético preconcepcional sobre factores de riesgo, que en muchos casos no reciben. Objetivo: identificar los antecedentes familiares de diabetes mellitus en las gestantes que debutan con diabetes gestacional, sin haber tenido asesoramiento genético preconcepcional. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo durante el período 2017 a 2019 en 186 embarazadas diagnosticadas con diabetes gestacional, del municipio Matanzas. Resultados: el 39,7 % de las gestantes con diabetes gestacional pertenecían a familias con diabetes mellitus; el 27,02 % tenía un familiar de primer grado afectado; en el 59,45 % predominó la vía materna de transmisión hereditaria; un 22,58 % presentó defectos congénitos, y el 54,05 % no recibió asesoramiento genético preconcepcional. Conclusiones: no todas las embarazadas con antecedentes familiares de diabetes mellitus recibieron asesoramiento genético preconcepcional, indispensable para minimizar el riesgo de diabetes gestacional (AU).

ABSTRACT Introduction: many pregnant women attended in prenatal genetic consultation come from families with diabetes mellitus and develop gestational diabetes, so they require preconception genetic counseling on risk factors, which they do not receive in many cases. Objective: to identify family antecedents of diabetes mellitus in pregnant women who debut with gestational diabetes, without having received preconceptional genetic counseling. Materials and methods: a retrospective descriptive study was carried out during the period 2017 to 2019 in 186 pregnant women from the municipality of Matanzas, diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Results: 39.7 % of the pregnant with gestational diabetes came from families with diabetes mellitus; 27.02 % of them had an affected first-grade relative; maternal hereditary transmission predominated in 59.45 %; 22.58 % presented congenital defects, and 54.05 % did not received preconceptional genetic counseling. Conclusions: not all the pregnant women with family antecedents of diabetes mellitus received preconceptional genetic counseling, which is essential to minimize the risk of gestational diabetes (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Genetic Counseling/methods , Pregnancy Complications/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications/prevention & control , Risk Factors , Diabetes, Gestational/therapy , Medical History Taking/methods
Revagog ; 3(3): 80-87, Jul-Sept. 2021. ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIGCSA | ID: biblio-1343841


Caminar durante el embarazo, la actividad física preferida entre las mujeres embarazadas, tiene múltiples beneficios para la salud del binomio materno - fetal en comparación con otras modalidades de actividad física. El no requerir tanto esfuerzo, la facilidad de ejecución, posibilidad de interacción social y de integrarse de manera muy significativa en algunas actividades, como los desplazamientos y las actividades ocupacionales, cuando a las embarazadas les es imposible realizar actividad física en su tiempo libre, son algunas de las ventajas que la convierten en la elegida por la mayor parte de las embarazadas. La falta de tiempo, las molestias físicas, la fatiga o la falta de energía, son algunos de los factores que impiden caminar a las gestantes. Dados los múltiples beneficios que tiene caminar para las embarazadas, las autoridades sanitarias deberían fomentar campañas de concienciación que promovieran la importancia de la práctica de actividad física por las mujeres embarazadas, entre las cuales, debería estar muy presente caminar.

Walking during pregnancy, the preferred physical activity among pregnant women, has multiple health benefits for the maternalfetal pairing compared to other forms of physical activity. Not requiring so much effort, the ease of execution, the possibility of social interaction and of integrating in a very significant way in some activities, such as travel and occupational activities, when it is impossible for pregnant women to perform physical activity in their free time, are some of the advantages that make it the one chosen by most pregnant women. Lack of time, physical discomfort, fatigue or lack of energy are some of the factors that prevent pregnant women from walking. Given the multiple benefits that walking has for pregnant women, health authorities should promote awareness campaigns that promote the importance of practicing physical activity by pregnant women, among whom walking should be very present.

Humans , Female , Exercise , Walking , Pregnant Women , Maternal Health , Pre-Eclampsia/prevention & control , Fetal Macrosomia/prevention & control , Infant, Newborn , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Obstetric Labor, Premature/prevention & control
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 20(1): 7-16, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | SES-SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1136406


Abstract Objectives: identify the action of metformin and physical activities to reduce weight gain and prevent mellitus diabetes in obese pregnant women. Methods: the electronic search was performed in PubMed / MEDLINE, LILACS, Web of Science, Scopus and Cochrane library databases between 2008 and 2018. The selection took place between April and July 2018, through the descriptors "pregnancy, obesity, metformin, treatment, exercise". A protocol was programmed and consecutively a selective research on the inclusion / exclusion phase. The "PICO" strategy was used. Population: obese pregnant women. Intervention: physical exercises and metformin. Control: The main indicator established was therapeutic outcomes with physical activity and metformin. Outcome of interest: body weight control. Results: by selecting the database, 3,983 articles were identified on the topic of interest. After selecting and eligibility, only 16 scientific studies were selected, of which 81.25% were clinical trials related to diet programs, physical activity, metformin use and possible outcomes, 18.75% were prospective cohort on causes of obesity in gestation and its association with gestational mellitus diabetes and preventive therapies. The study pointed out the possibility of adapting physical therapy programs with the correct metformin dosage for a greater control in gestational weight gain. However, there is a need for greater awareness and changes in habits for obese woman during the gestational period. Conclusions: the drug presents similarity to physical activity by activating AMPK and may be added to treatments that propose changes in pregnant women's lifestyle to reduce weight gain and prevent gestational diabetes mellitus with a better understanding of the optimal dosage. Thus, the study suggests the use of metformin is not only for the prevention and the intercurrence of gestational diabetes mellitus, but a strictly careful investigation allowing its use to non-diabetic obese pregnant women.

Resumo Objetivos: identificar a ação da metformina e da atividade física para redução do ganho de peso e prevenção do diabetes mellitus em gestantes obesas. Métodos: a busca eletrônica foi realizada nas bases de dados PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, Web of Science, Scopus e biblioteca Cochrane entre 2008 e 2018. A seleção ocorreu entre abril e julho de 2018, através dos descritores "gravidez, obesidade, metformina, tratamento, exercício". Programou-se um protocolo e consecutivamente uma etapa seletiva de inclusão/exclusão das pesquisas. Utilizou-se a estratégia "PICO". População: gestantes obesas. Intervenção: exercícios fisicos e metformina. Controle: o principal comparador estabelecido foi o desfecho terapêutico com atividade fisica e metformina. Desfecho de interesse: controle do peso corporal. Resultados: através da seleção do banco de dados, 3.983 artigos foram identificados sobre o tema de interesse. Após as etapas de seleção e elegibilidade, apenas 16 estudos científicos foram selecionados, dos quais 81,25% ensaios clinicos referentes aos programas de dieta, atividade física, uso da metformina e possíveis desfechos, 18,75% coorte prospectiva sobre as causas da obesidade na gestação e sua associação com o diabetes mellitus gestacional e terapêutica preventiva. O estudo apontou a possibilidade de se adequar programas de terapias físicas com a dosagem correta de metformina para um maior controle no ganho de peso gestacional. No entanto, existe a necessidade de uma maior concientização e mudanças de hábitos da mulher obesa durante o período gestacional. Conclusões: a droga apresenta semelhança com a atividade física ao ativar o AMPK e pode somar aos tratamentos que propõem mudanças no estilo de vida das gestantes para reduzir o ganho de peso e prevenir o diabetes mellitus gestacional com a necessidade de um melhor entendimento sobre a dosagem ideal. Desta forma, o estudo sugere que o uso da metformina não seja apenas para prevenção e intercorrências do DMG, mas também com uma investigação estritamente cuidadosa para possibilitar o seu uso em grávidas obesas não diabéticas.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Exercise , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Gestational Weight Gain , Obesity, Maternal/complications , Hypoglycemic Agents/administration & dosage , Metformin/therapeutic use
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(5): 574-578, mayo 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014266


Background: Adherence to treatment is a large obstacle in the management of chronic diseases. Aim: To evaluate therapeutic adherence and its relationship with glycemic control in patients with gestational diabetes using two types of treatment. Material and Methods: The Measurement of Treatment Adherence (MAT) questionnaire was applied to 93 patients with gestational diabetes. Fifty-two used metformin 41 were treated with insulin. Obstetric and socio-demographic data were collected. Results: A higher therapeutic adherence was associated with a better glycemic control. Women with a higher education level had a better adherence to treatment. The adherence and metabolic control were higher in women treated with metformin. Conclusions: Therapeutic adherence is an important factor for adequate glycemic control.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Young Adult , Diabetes, Gestational/drug therapy , Medication Adherence/statistics & numerical data , Hypoglycemic Agents/therapeutic use , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Gestational Age , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Educational Status , Insulin/therapeutic use , Metformin/therapeutic use
Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 29(2): 1-18, mayo.-ago. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978387


Introducción: el ejercicio físico en las personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, constituye uno de los pilares de su tratamiento integral, y sus efectos benéficos en las personas con esta enfermedad son evidentes. Objetivo: describir los efectos benéficos del ejercicio físico en las personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Métodos: se utilizó como buscador de información científica a Google Académico. Se evaluaron artículos de revisión y de investigación, provenientes de diferentes bases de datos: PubMed, LILACS, Cochrane y SciElo y páginas web, que en general, tenían menos de 10 años de publicados, en idioma español, portugués o inglés. Los criterios de exclusión fueron los artículos con más de 10 años de publicados, en un idioma diferente a los ya indicados, y que no tuvieran la calidad requerida, según criterio de los autores. Esto permitió el estudio de 134 artículos, de los cuales 83 fueron referenciados. Conclusiones: el ejercicio físico en las personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 contribuye a disminuir el peso corporal, mejora la sensibilidad a la insulina y el control metabólico (glucémico y lipídico), por lo que contribuye a la disminución del riesgo cardiovascular. Además, es útil en la prevención, tratamiento y rehabilitación de algunas enfermedades propias del adulto mayor. También constituye una estrategia adecuada para prevenir la diabetes gestacional y la ganancia excesiva de peso durante el embarazo, y es capaz de reducir los niveles de estrés oxidativo a largo plazo, así como la incidencia de algunos tipos de cáncer, y evita los trastornos psicológicos asociados(AU)

Introduction: physical exercise in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus constitutes one of the pillars of their comprehensive treatment, and its beneficial effects in people with this disease are evident. Objective: to describe the beneficial effects of physical exercise in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: Google Scholar was used as a scientific information search engine. Review and research articles from different databases were evaluated, such as PubMed, LILACS, Cochrane and SciElo, and web pages in Spanish, Portuguese or English languages which generally had less than 10 years of being published. The exclusion criteria were articles with more than 10 years of publication, in a language different from those already mentioned, and that did not have the required quality according to the authors' criteria. This allowed the study of 134 articles, of which 83 were referenced. Conclusions: physical exercise in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus contributes to decrease body weight, improves insulin sensitivity and metabolic control (glycemic and lipid), thus contributing to the reduction of cardiovascular risk. In addition, it is useful in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of some diseases of the elderly. It is also an appropriate strategy to prevent gestational diabetes and excessive weight gain during pregnancy, and it is able to reduce levels of long-term oxidative stress, as well as the incidence of some types of cancer, and to avoid associated psychological disorders(AU)

Humans , Exercise , Databases, Bibliographic/statistics & numerical data , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/therapy , Review Literature as Topic
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 83(3): 250-256, jun. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-959512


RESUMEN Introducción: La Diabetes Gestacional (DG) es la intolerancia a carbohidratos que se reconoce por primera vez durante el embarazo. En México la prevalencia es del 8.7-17.7%. Estas pacientes tienen mayor riesgo de complicaciones maternas-fetales en comparación con la población general. Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre factores de riesgo y complicaciones materno-fetales de DG. Métodos: Se realizó una encuesta en un hospital público del Noroeste de México con 150 embarazadas, se midió el conocimiento sobre factores de riesgo y complicaciones materno-fetales relacionadas con DG mediante una encuesta elaborada y validada con KR-20 del 0.87 y Pérez-Padilla y Viniegra de 8. Resultados: La edad media de la población fue 27 años, con estrato socioeconómico II de Graffar en 88%, predominando escolaridad preparatoria en 41%, el 81% de ellas cuenta con pareja, 79% residen en área urbana, 57% es trabajadora, 80% sin coomorbilidades, 90% sin antecedente de DG, así como no haber recibido platicas sobre DG en 69%. El nivel de conocimiento encontrado fue: 48% azar, 19% muy bajo, 16% bajo, 11% regular, 2% alto, 4% muy alto. Conclusiones: Existe un bajo nivel de conocimiento de factores de riesgo y complicaciones de la DG entre las embarazadas. Éste nivel aumenta a mayor nivel educativo y económico, al tener antecedente de diabetes gestacional en embarazos previos y de recibir pláticas sobre este tema.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Gestational Diabetes (GD) is the carbohydrate intolerance that is recognized for the first time during pregnancy. In Mexico, the prevalence is 8.7-17.7%. These patients have a higher risk of maternal-fetal complications compared to the general population. Objective: To determine the level of knowledge about risk factors and maternal-fetal complications of GD. Methods: A survey was conducted in a public hospital in Northwest Mexico, with 150 pregnant women, knowledge about risk factors and maternal-fetal complications related to GD was measured through a survey developed and validated with KR-20 of 0.87 and Perez-Padilla and Viniegra of 8. Results: The average age of the population was 27 years, with Graffar socioeconomic level II in 88%, with preparatory schooling prevailing in 41%, 81% of them have a partner, 79% live in an urban area, 57% are working, 80% without coomorbidity, 90% without background of DG, as well as not having received talks on DG in 69%. The level of knowledge found was: 48% chance, 19% very low, 16% low, 11% regular, 2% high, 4% very high. Conclusions: There is a low level of knowledge of risk factors and complications of GD among pregnant women. This level increases to a higher educational and economic level, having a history of gestational diabetes in previous pregnancies and receiving talks on this topic.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Pregnancy Complications , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Diabetes, Gestational/etiology
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 40(4): 180-187, Apr. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-958980


Abstract Objective To assess the effectiveness of metformin in the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in obese pregnant women attending a public maternity hospital in Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Methods Randomized clinical trial including obese pregnant women with a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 30 kg/m2, divided into two groups (control and metformin). Both groups received guidance regarding diet and physical exercise. The participants were assessed at two moments, the first at enrollment (gestational age ≤ 20) and the second at gestational weeks 24-28. The outcomes assessed were BMI and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) diagnosis. The data distribution was assessed with the Friedman test. For all the analytical models, the p-values were considered significant when lower than 0.05. The absolute risk reduction was also estimated. Results Overall, 164 pregnant women were assessed and further divided into 82 participants per group. No significant difference was observed in BMI variation between the control and metformin groups (0.9 ± 1.2 versus 1.0 ± 0.9, respectively, p = 0.63). Gestational diabetes mellitus was diagnosed in 15.9% (n = 13) of the patients allocated to the metformin group and 19.5% (n = 16) of those in the control group (p = 0.683). The absolute risk reduction was 3.6 (95% confidence interval 8.0- 15.32) in the group treated with metformin, which was not significant. Conclusion Metformin was not effective in reducing BMI and preventing GDM in obese pregnant women.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a efetividade da metformina na incidência de diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG) em gestantes obesas de uma maternidade pública de Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Métodos Ensaio clínico randomizado desenvolvido comgestantes obesas comíndice de massa corporal (IMC) ≥ 30 kg/m2, divididas em dois grupos (controle emetformina). Ambos os grupos receberamorientação sobre dieta e exercício físico. As participantes foram avaliadas em dois momentos, o primeiro na inclusão (com idade gestacional≤ 20 semanas) e o segundo entre 24 e 28 semanas de gestação. Os desfechos avaliados foram IMC e diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG). A distribuição dos dados foi avaliada com o teste de Friedman. Para todos os modelos analíticos, foram considerados significativos os valores de p inferiores a 0,05. Foi estimada também a redução absoluta de risco. Resultados Foram avaliadas 164 gestantes, divididas em 82 participantes em cada grupo. Não houve diferença significativa na variação do IMC entre os grupos controle e metformina (0,9 ± 1,2 versus 1,0 ± 0,9, respectivamente, p = 0,63). O DMG foi diagnosticado em 15,9% (n = 13) das pacientes alocadas para o grupo metformina e 19,5% (n = 16) das incluídas no grupo controle (p = 0,683). A redução absoluta de risco foi de 3,6 (intervalo de confiança de 95% 8,0-15,32) no grupo metformina, o que não foi significativo. Conclusão A metformina não foi eficaz em reduzir o IMC e prevenir o DMG em gestantes obesas.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Hypoglycemic Agents/therapeutic use , Metformin/therapeutic use , Obesity/complications , Incidence , Treatment Outcome , Diabetes, Gestational/epidemiology
Porto Alegre; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Telessaúde; 2018. ilus.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-995601


Os quadros hiperglicêmicos que são diagnosticados na gravidez são classificados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) em duas categorias: 1) "Diabetes Mellitus (DM) na gestação": hiperglicemia compatível com DM fora na gestação, mas que o diagnóstico é feito na gestação (overt Diabetes em inglês) e; 2) "Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional" (DMG): estado de hiperglicemia, em valores que não preenchem critérios para DM, usualmente diagnosticado após a metade da gestação e que tende a se resolver com o término da gestação. No Brasil, a prevalência de DMG no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) passou de 7,5% para 18%, conforme os critérios diagnósticos atuais. Tanto o DM na gestação quanto o DMG aumentam o risco de desfechos maternos e fetais graves, devendo, portanto, ser identificados, adequadamente tratados na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) e, quando indicado, nos serviços especializados em Pré-natal de alto risco. Esta guia apresenta informação que orienta a conduta para casos de diabetes e gestação no contexto da Atenção Primária à Saúde, incluindo: fatores de risco para dmg, classificação, rastreamento, tratamento dm gestacional, tratamento dm na gestação, controle glicêmico, avaliação pré-concepcional em diabéticas, avaliação complementar, momento e via de parto, acompanhamento pós-parto, encaminhamento para serviço especializado, referências anexo 1 - orientações nutricionais.

Female , Pregnancy , Diabetes, Gestational/diagnosis , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Diabetes, Gestational/therapy , Prenatal Care , Primary Health Care , Referral and Consultation , Risk Factors , Glyburide/therapeutic use , Glycemic Index , Nutrition Therapy , Insulin/administration & dosage , Metformin/therapeutic use , Motor Activity
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992) ; 62(3): 212-217, May-June 2016.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-784324


SUMMARY Objective: To evaluate the retention of information after participation in multidisciplinary group in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) through a phone contact. Method: 122 pregnant women diagnosed with gestational diabetes were included. After diagnosis of gestational diabetes, the patients were referred to the multidisciplinary group where they received medical, nutrition and nursing guidelines related to the disease. After three days these patients received one telephone call from a nurse, who made the same questions regarding the information received. In the statistical analysis, results were presented as absolute and relative frequencies. Results: Most patients 119/122 patients (97.5%) were managing to do self glucose monitoring. Twenty-one patients (17.2%) reported having difficulty performing the blood glucose, especially finger pricking. When questioning whether the woman was following the proposed diet, 24/122 (19.7%) patients said they did not; the meal frequency was not reached by 23/122 (18.9%) of the women, and forty-seven (38.5%) of the women reported having ingested sugar in the days following the guidance in multidisciplinary group. Conclusion: Regarding the proposed treatment, there was good adherence of patients, especially in relation to blood glucose monitoring. As for nutritional control, we observed greater difficulty in following the guidelines demonstrating the need for long-term monitoring, as well as further clarification to the patients about the importance of nutrition in diabetes management.

RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar a retenção de informações, após participação em grupo multiprofissional, em pacientes com diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG), por meio de contato telefônico. Método: foram incluídas 122 gestantes com diagnóstico de DMG. Após o diagnóstico, as pacientes eram encaminhadas ao grupo multiprofissional para receber orientações médicas, nutricionais e de enfermagem relacionadas à doença. Após três dias, as pacientes receberam um contato telefônico de um enfermeiro, que realizou perguntas relacionadas às informações recebidas. Na análise estatística, os resultados foram apresentados em frequências absolutas e relativas. Resultados: a maioria das pacientes, 119/122 (97,5%), estava conseguindo fazer a automonitorização glicêmica. Vinte e uma pacientes (17,2%) referiram ter dificuldades para realizar a glicemia capilar, sendo a principal relacionada às lancetas. Quanto à dieta proposta, 24/122 (19,7%) referiram que não estavam conseguindo cumprir; o fracionamento da dieta não foi alcançado por 23/122 (18,9%) das gestantes e 47 (38,5%) relataram ter ingerido açúcar nos dias seguintes à orientação do grupo multiprofissional. Conclusão: em relação ao tratamento proposto, houve boa adesão das pacientes, especialmente quanto à automonitorização glicêmica. Em relação aos controles nutricionais, observamos maior dificuldade no seguimento das orientações, mostrando haver necessidade de seguimento em longo prazo e de fornecer melhor esclarecimento às pacientes sobre a importância da nutrição no controle do diabetes.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Patient Education as Topic/methods , Patient Compliance/statistics & numerical data , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Retention, Psychology , Capillaries , Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring/statistics & numerical data , Interviews as Topic , Surveys and Questionnaires , Longitudinal Studies , Diet, Diabetic/statistics & numerical data
Borno Med. J. (Online) ; 13(1): 21-27, 2016. ilus
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1259651


Background: Adiponectin is an adipocytokine that is exclusively produced by adipocytes with potent insulin-sensitizing property. It has been proposed to be involved in the pathogenesis of gestational diabetes mellitus, but its role is not clear; Findings from studies done across different ethnic groups are often inconsistent. Objectives: The aim of the study was to compare maternal serum adiponectin levels between Nigerian pregnant women with and without gestational diabetes mellitus. Materials And Methods: A cross sectional analytical study including one hundred and sixty nine pregnant women, 85 with gestational diabetes mellitus and 84 with normal gestation, who were evaluated between 24-28 weeks gestation. Diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus was made according to the WHO diagnostic criteria. Maternal serum level of adiponectin was measured and compared between pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus and the controls. Results: Mean maternal serum adiponectin level was significantly lower in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus than in the controls (8.1 ± 1.6 vs. 10.1 ± 2.4 µg/ml, p< 0.05). When 2 2 subjects in the study groups were further categorized in to BMI < 25kg/m and BMI 25 kg/m , maternal serum adiponectin level remained significantly lower in the normal weight pregnant women with gestational diabetes compared to their BMI-matched controls (8.4 ± 1.7 vs. 11.4 ± 2.1 2µg/ml, p< 0.05). Among the overweight pregnant women (BMI 25 kg/m) on the other hand, there was no difference in maternal serum adiponectin level between pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus and the normal controls (7.8 ± 1.5 vs. 8.0 ± 1.1µg/ml, p> 0.05). Conclusion: It is concluded that normal weight Nigerian pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus in this study have lower serum adiponectin level compared to the normal weight pregnant women with normal gestation

Adiponectin , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Nigeria , Pregnant Women
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 65(2): 86-96, June 2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-752718


The aim of this study was to describe the dietary patterns of pregnant women in northern Puerto Rico and explore associations between diet factors with pregnancy related measurements. This analysis is based on the Puerto Rico Testsite for Exploring Contamination Threats (PROTECT), a prospective cohort that is studying environmental risk factors for preterm births in PR. Participants completed a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) around 20-28 weeks of gestation. The following pregnancy related measures were collected from the medical records: hemoglobin, blood glucose, blood pressure and gestational age. Potential associations between diet factors and pregnancy measures were assessed using chi square analysis with SPSS. A total of 180 participants completed the FFQ; low hemoglobin levels was found in 19.2%, high blood glucose levels was found in 21.1% by fasting blood glucose test and 24.6%by 1-hour 50 g oral glucose screening test, high blood pressure was found in 2.9% (systolic) and 6.5% (diastolic), and pre-term birth was found in 10.4% of the participants. High consumption of rice, desserts and sweets was associated with higher levels of fasting blood glucose levels (p<0.05), while high consumption of vegetables was associated with higher 1-hour glucose challenge test (p<0.05).No other significant associations were found. In conclusion, consumption of high dense energy food diets in pregnancy, such as rice, sweets and desserts, can lead to high levels of blood glucose and can be a potential predictor of other pregnancy complications during pregnancy in these study participants, such as gestational diabetes.

El objetivo de este estudio fue describir los hábitos alimentarios de mujeres embarazadas en Puerto Rico y explorar la asociación entre factores dietarios y medidas del embarazo. Este fue un análisis de datos basado en un estudio de cohorte prospectivo (PROTECT), que estudia los factores de riesgo ambientales para el embarazo pre-término en mujeres embarazadas. Las participantes completaron un cuestionario de frecuencia alimentaria (FFQ) en las semanas 20-28 de gestación. Los niveles de hemoglobina, glucosa en sangre, presión arterial y edad gestacional se recogieron de expediente médicos. Posibles asociaciones entre factores dietéticos y las medidas del embarazo fueron evaluadas usando Ji cuadrado en SPSS. Un total de 180 participantes completaron el FFQ; 19,2% tuvo bajos niveles de hemoglobina, 21.1% tuvo niveles altos de glucemia por prueba de glucosa en ayunas y 24,6% por prueba de tolerancia a la glucosa de 1 hora; la hipertensión arterial fue encontrada en 2,9% (sistólica) y 6,5% (diastólica) y nacimiento prematuro fue encontrado en 10,4%. Un alto consumo de arroz, postres y dulces se asoció con mayores niveles de glucosa en ayunas (p<0,05), mientras que el alto consumo de vegetales se asoció con mayor nivel de la prueba de tolerancia a la glucosa (p<0,05). No se encontró ninguna otra asociación significativa. En conclusión, el consumo de alimentos de alta densidad energética en el embarazo como arroz, postres y dulces pueden elevar los niveles de glucosa en sangre, lo cual puede ser un predictor potencial de complicaciones en el embarazo en estas participantes, como diabetes gestacional.

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Blood Glucose/analysis , Blood Pressure/physiology , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Gestational Age , Hemoglobins/analysis , Prenatal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Dietary Supplements , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Glucose Tolerance Test , Prospective Studies , Puerto Rico/ethnology , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. med. interna Guatem ; 19(1): 32-39, ene-abr. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-982106


En la actualidad hay una creciente aumento de diabetes mellitus tipo II y casos de mujeres en edad reproductiva, hay ciertos elementos a tomar en cuenta para abordar la consejería en la preconcepción. El artículo toca esos elementos a tomar en cuenta para ese tema para llevar a un felíz término el embarazo en dichos casos con un adecuado control.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications , Diabetes, Gestational/diagnosis , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Diabetes Complications/diagnosis , Insulin/therapeutic use
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 23(1): 39-44, jan.-fev. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-762094


A dieta é um dos principais focos do tratamento das gestantes diabéticas, constituindo-se em estratégia recomendada para um acompanhamento gestacional adequado e o nascimento de um bebê saudável. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo descritivo, que objetivou conhecer as implicações das restrições alimentares na vida diária de mulheres com diabete melito gestacional. O estudo foi realizado em um hospital universitário do município de Porto Alegre/RS, por meio de entrevistas com 25 gestantes diabéticas em acompanhamento ambulatorial, entre os meses de julho a novembro de2010. A análise de dados foi do tipo temática. As mulheres apresentam dificuldades em seguir o plano alimentar prescrito, fato que provoca implicações negativas nas suas vidas diárias. A orientação nutricional deve ser flexível e respeitar a condição social de cada gestante. Há necessidade de elaboração de estratégias e propostas de cuidados que auxiliem essas mulheres no enfrentamento dos obstáculos relacionados à dieta alimentar.

Diet is one of the main focuses of treatment for diabetic pregnant women, and constitutes a recommended strategy for appropriate gestational monitoring and healthy childbirth. This qualitative, descriptive study examined the implications of diet restrictions in the daily lives of women with gestational diabetes mellitus. The study was performed between July and November 2010 at a university hospital in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, by means of interviews of 25 diabetic pregnant women in outpatient care. Data assessment was thematic. The women had difficulty sticking to the prescribed diet plan, which has adverse implications for their daily lives. Nutritional counseling should be flexible and contemplate the social condition of each pregnant woman. Care strategies and proposals should be developed to help these women surmount diet-related obstacles.

La dieta es un aspecto importante del tratamiento de las mujeres diabéticas embarazadas, que constituye una estrategia recomendada para un adecuado seguimiento del embarazo y el nacimiento de un hijo sano. Se trata de una pesquisa cualitativa, del tipo descriptivo que tuvo el objetivo de conocer las implicaciones de las restricciones alimentares en la vida diaria de las mujeres con Diabetes Mellitus en la gestación. El estudio fue realizado en un hospital universitario de la municipalidad de Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil, por medio de entrevistas con 25 gestantes diabéticas en acompañamiento ambulatorio,entre los meses de julio a noviembre de 2010. El análisis de datos fue del tipo temático. Las mujeres tienen dificultades para seguir el plan de la dieta prescrita, lo que provoca consecuencias negativas en sus vidas diarias. Asesoramiento nutricional debe ser flexible y respetar la condición social de cada mujer embarazada. Existe la necesidad de desarrollar estratégias y propuestas que ayuden esas mujeres a enfrentaren los obstáculos relacionados con la alimentación.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Prenatal Care , Diabetes, Gestational/diet therapy , Diabetes, Gestational/nursing , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Diabetes, Gestational/therapy , Diet, Diabetic/nursing , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Nurse-Patient Relations , Brazil , Nursing Methodology Research
Ciudad de México; Centro Nacional de Excelencia Tecnológica en Salud; 2015. tab.(Guías de Práctica Clínica de Enfermería). (SS-784-15).
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1037662


Introducción: La Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional se define como cualquier grado de hiperglucemia con primer reconocimiento durante el embarazo. En muchos de los casos los niveles de glucosa en sangre retornan a la normalidad después del parto. La mayoría de mujeres embarazadas son sedentarias o suspende el ejercicio, esto predispone al desarrollo de patologías como: hipertensión arterial, preeclampsia, disnea, obesidad materna e infantil y diabetes mellitus gestacional. Las mujeres con DMG no son capaces de compensar la resistencia a la insulina, producida por una combinación de cambios hormonales e inflamatorios. Método: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de información en PubMed, BVS, Tripdatabase, otras bases disponibles. Se analizaron 199 estudios de los últimos 5 años en idioma inglés y español, 23 fueron útiles para desarrollar esta guía. Resultados: La diabetes gestacional es la complicación metabólica más frecuente del embarazo con una prevalencia del 8% al 11% de todos los embarazos en México, ya que afecta a más de 10% de las embarazadas mayores de 25 años; los factores de riesgo para diabetes mellitus gestacional son: la raza, origen étnico, edad avanzada, antecedentes familiares de diabetes, aumento de índice de masa corporal. Conclusión: La implementación de las recomendaciones permitirá a los profesionales de enfermería favorecer la mejora en la prevención, atención y limitación del daño de la paciente con Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional. Mujer, embarazo, Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional, enfermería

Introduction: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is defined as any degree of hyperglycemia with first recognition during pregnancy. In many cases the blood glucose levels return to normal after delivery. Most pregnant women are sedentary or suspend the exercise, this predisposes to the development of diseases such as hypertension, preeclampsia, dyspnea, child and maternal obesity and gestational diabetes mellitus. Women with GDM are not able to compensate for the insulin resistance produced by a combination of hormonal and inflammatory changes. Method: A systematic research for information in PubMed, BVS, Tripdatabase, other bases made available. 199 studies over the past 5 years in English and Spanish, 23 were analyzed and useful in developing this guide. Results: Gestational diabetes is the most common metabolic complication of pregnancy with a prevalence of 8% to 11% of all pregnancies in Mexico, affecting more than 10% of pregnant women older than 25 years; risk factors for gestational diabetes mellitus are: race, ethnicity, older age, family history of diabetes, increased body mass index. Conclusion: The implementation of the recommendations will enable nurses promote improved prevention, care and limiting damage to the patient with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. woman, pregnancy, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, nursing.

Introdução: Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional é definido como qualquer grau de hiperglicemia com primeiro reconhecimento durante a gravidez. Em muitos casos, os níveis de glicose no sangue voltar ao normal após parto.La maioria das mulheres grávidas são sedentários ou suspender o exercício, o que predispõe ao desenvolvimento de doenças como a hipertensão, pré-eclâmpsia, dispnéia, materna e obesidade infantil e diabetes mellitus gestacional. As mulheres com DMG não são capazes de compensar a resistência à insulina produzida por uma combinação de alterações hormonais e inflamatórias. Método: Uma busca sistemática de informações no PubMed, BVS, Tripdatabase, outras bases foi disponibilizado. 199 estudos ao longo dos últimos 5 anos no idioma Inglês e Espanhol, 23 foram analisadas foram úteis no desenvolvimento deste guia. Resultados: A diabetes gestacional é a complicação metabólica mais comum de gravidez com uma prevalência de 8% a 11% de todas as gravidezes no México, afetando mais de 10% das mulheres grávidas com idade superior a 25 anos; fatores de risco para diabetes mellitus gestacional são: raça, etnia, idade avançada, histórico familiar de diabetes, aumento do índice de massa corporal. Conclusão: A implementação das recomendações permitirá que os enfermeiros promovem a melhoria da prevenção, cuidados e danos limitando ao paciente com diabetes mellitus gestacional: Mulher, grávida, Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional, enfermagem.

Humans , Diabetes, Gestational/diagnosis , Diabetes, Gestational/nursing , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Diabetes Mellitus/nursing
Femina ; 42(4): 165-169, jul-ago. 2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-737131


O diabetes gestacional é uma doença metabólica crônica, cuja principal característica é a resistência insulínica, que repercute na morbidade materna e nos desfechos perinatais. Sua prevalência no Brasil está em torno de 7 a 10%. Quando utilizados valores glicêmicos mais baixos do que aqueles anteriormente propostos, um grupo maior de gestantes é enquadrado no diagnóstico desta doença, contribuindo para aumento de sua incidência. Diante deste fato e dos diversos efeitos adversos do diabetes, como hiperinsulinemia fetal e macrossomia, é necessário instituir uma terapêutica rápida e eficaz. A decisão em iniciar esta terapêutica baseia-se em conceitos sabidamente conhecidos, tais como valores glicêmicos de controle, estudo ecográfico fetal (medida da circunferência abdominal), idade gestacional e obesidade materna. Neste trabalho, esses conceitos foram discutidos após uma revisão dos artigos atuais e de maior relevância cientifica.(AU)

The gestational diabetes is a metabolic chronic disorder which main feature is the insulin resistance and its consequences as maternal morbidity and perinatal outcomes. The prevalence in Brazil is from 7 to 10%. When we use lower targets of glycemic control than those previously used, a greater group of pregnants fits into the diagnosis of diabetes, and thereby increasing the incidence of the disease. Towards this and the several adverse outcomes, as fetal hyperinsulinemia and macrossomia, an early and effective treatment has to be established. The decision in begin the therapy is based on elements already known, as the glycemic targets, fetal ultrasound (abdominal circumference measure), gestational age and maternal obesity. These elements are discussed in this paper after a literature review of the latest and more scientific important articles.(AU)

Female , Pregnancy , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Diabetes, Gestational/therapy , Diabetes, Gestational/epidemiology , Body Mass Index , Morbidity , Gestational Age , Glycemic Index/physiology , Abdominal Circumference , Fetus/physiology , Obesity/complications
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing ; : 672-681, 2014.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-42243


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of using a Coaching Program on Comprehensive Lifestyle Modification with pregnant women who have gestational diabetes. METHODS: The research design for this study was a non-equivalent control group quasi-experimental study. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes were recruited from D women's hospital located in Gyeonggi Province from April to October, 2013. Participants in this study were 34 for the control group and 34 for the experimental group. The experimental group participated in the Coaching Program on Comprehensive Lifestyle Modification. The program consisted of education, small group coaching and telephone coaching over 4weeks. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 21.0 program. RESULTS: There were significant improvements in self-care behavior, and decreases in depression, fasting blood sugar and HbA1C in the experimental group compared to the control group. However, no significant differences were found between the two groups for knowledge of gestational diabetes mellitus. CONCLUSION: The Coaching Program on Comprehensive Lifestyle Modification used in this study was found to be effective in improving self-care behavior and reducing depression, fasting blood sugar and HbA1C, and is recommended for use in clinical practice as an effective nursing intervention for pregnant women with gestational diabetes.

Adult , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Behavior Therapy , Blood Glucose/analysis , Depression , Diabetes, Gestational/prevention & control , Knowledge , Life Style , Patient Education as Topic , Program Evaluation , Surveys and Questionnaires , Self Care , Telephone